Welcome 2023!


Happy New Year, dear readers! May this coming year be filled with healthy and wholeness for you all in your and your families’ lives.

While I do have a post ready for the New Year, I have decided to wait a couple weeks before I post it. Rather than hit you right out the gate with my ideas for how to approach this new year, I think the next few weeks should be ones in which we all spend some time looking back before we look forward. What I mean by that is that in order for us to clearly decide where we want to go in this new year in our personal journeys, we must take stock of where we have been in this last year, and from that stock, we must decide what we will carry with us into the future and what we will leave behind. 

Small Beginnings, My Darlings

At the beginning of a new year, we tend to throw together lists and resolutions of what we want to accomplish in the coming months. While that is truly worthy, I think one of the best things you can do stepping into the next weeks is make small beginnings. In Small Beginnings, My Darlings, I speak more on what I mean by small beginnings and how they can be applied in your life to render BIG endings. 

The New Year is a time of reset. It’s an opportunity for us to get organized and proceed into the future with a clearer plan in mind. Getting Your Ducks in a Row is a good reminder of why this is a necessity for us all.

Does the prospect of setting goals, deciding resolutions, or just starting something new that you’ve always wanted to scare you? No Back-Up Plans Allowed is a great post for you if you need to be galvanized and encouraged. It’s an important read at the start of a new year.


Our minds can be our greatest ally or our worst enemy. The mind is a battlefield. We need to understand the things that fight against us and how we can stand against them if we want to see success in our lives. These next post offer insight and encouragement in this specific area. 


It goes without saying that by the time we make it through the cookie laden holiday season, we all look at ourselves in the mirror and think, I could be in better shape. Whether it’s a lot or a little, we all want some poundage to go. But, most importantly, we want to give our bodies what they need to keep ourselves healthy and strong. So, here are some posts that can help you in this area of your life.


Our emotions and intellect impacts our energy to the positive or the negative. Below are several blog posts that will marshal your soul in a positive direction. Furthermore, these posts provide you with food for thought about life and how to approach it with wisdom. 


Most often the spiritual part of our person is the most neglected. This is not good. Below are several posts that offer instruction and insights into why the cultivation of our faith is so important to our wellbeing. 

May this New Year of 2023 bring you the blank slate that you’ve been wanting or needing. May it hold true growth and success for you and yours. Happy New Year, dear readers.